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 kagemes gm application

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-12-18

kagemes gm application Empty
PostSubject: kagemes gm application   kagemes gm application EmptyFri Dec 18, 2009 8:02 pm

Explain how you work - well sometimes i afk train in the morning then after skool i come back and help ppl out but at night i afk train to but i no its gonna be an issue cuz of relapses no gm afk rule so i try not to be afk

Give us any coding experience, or iconing experience and some of your work :

Answer these three questions.

1.) Someone just broke a rule and tried to blame it on another. The person blamed is telling you that it was the person blaming them. You have no proof other than their words.
What do you do?

A)Jail the one blaming the other guy.
B)Jail the one accused.
C)Jail both for a small amount of time.
D)Take into account everything being said and wait until a higher up comes on.
E)Just let the other GMs you see on do it to see if they even help people.

Put your answer here : C and D becasue u never no which person accually did it and D cuz sumone higher of gm can help me make the desison

2.)A Admin is abusing powers and trying to be sneaky, what do you do?

A)Let the admin do whatever he wants, you dont want to feel his wrath.
B)Try to bribe him with screenshots.
C)Try to get him to change his mind.
D)Confront him and report him afterwards to a higher up.
E)Become friends with He/She so you might gain something later on.

Answer here please : D because it is unfair to all of the other players

3)Your an admin, and your friend asks you to help him out, what do you do?

A)Give him some power but just a little so no one will notice.
B)Go collect the DBs for him.
C)Tell him no and that you cant.
D)Ask a higher up if it is ok to give them some stuff because its your friend.
E)Jail/Mute/Warn him for trying to talk you into abusing.

Answer here please : C and E cuz that would be abusing and E cuz its apart of the rules

Why do you want to be a GM?
I want to be gm cuz its fun and i feel like im not helping enough for the ppl
Have you ever abused? If yes, why and what did you do?

Are you mature and are you able to at least speak fluently?
Yes i was born in Canada and i might be a few errors in speaking so ok

Do you have any anger issues?
Kinda but i would take it out my stress ball ^^

Are you active? If yes, how long do you play and what days?
I play almost everyday and sometime i have to go off the computer. I dont play alot on tuesday and sunday cuz i got guitar lessons and vocal classes

Will you tell us if your going to leave for awhile?
Ya i would but i ussually dont leave unless my mom locks up the computer with out telling me then i rally cant tell anyone anything
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